Lack of Sleep Inhibits Fat Loss

So much research has been done around sleep. Now we know that sleep has a huge impact on your metabolic health and whether or not you will be able to lose fat and how much! In one study, 2 groups of overweight people (27%BMI) when both restricted calories but one group got 7.5 hours of sleep and the other got 5.5 hours of sleep, WHO LOST MORE FAT?

Those who had less sleep saw curtailment of fat loss of up to 55%

You got it, those who had less sleep saw curtailment of fat loss of up to 55%! To make matters worse they also saw a reduction in lean muscle tissue of up to 60%! Loss of sleep has been shown to impair metabolic and endocrine functions.

A lack of sleep can also increase ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and reduce the leptin (the satiety hormone) which spells disaster for your weight loss efforts.

We need our sleep and we can’t afford to lose it regardless if your goal is weight loss, fat loss, metabolic health, or health in general. It’s just way too important!

I will cover this and more in May Group Coaching! Please CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!